Classroom-Ready Activities and Lessons from MIT
A green whiteboard with the words TILclimate Guides for Educators: Resources for teaching climate science and solutions with podcasts from MIT
Teach climate change in high school
  • Standards-aligned, flexible, and adaptable activities for a wide range of educational settings.
  • Educator Guides are linked to our award-winning podcast, TILclimate.

Browse all the guides.

Teacher-written, interdisciplinary high school climate curriculum
  • Free materials available for English/Language Arts, History/Social Science, Math and Science classes.

Learn more.

MIT Open Courseware
MIT class materials and inspiration for your own teaching
Two Black people work together at a computer station
Integrate pedagogy best practices for sustainability
  • Pedagogical explainers on best practices for sustainability education.
  • Sustainability and climate lessons from MIT’s OpenCourseWare.

Dive more deeply.

Professional Development for Educators
Read quick explainers
  • Background on everything from renewable energy to phytoplankton. 
  • For teacher professional development or as an assignment for students. 
MIT's climate change podcast
  • Short, engaging podcast episodes dive into crucial climate change topics. 
  • For teacher professional development or as an assignment for students.
Ask your own climate questions
  • Browse through a growing list of others’ questions or submit your own! 
  • For teacher professional development or as an assignment for students. 
Learn the basics of climate science & risk
  • Interactive primer on the basics of climate science, the risks we face, and the solutions that are possible. 
  • For teacher professional development or as an assignment for students. 
Take full MIT courses online
  • Massive, open, online courses (MOOCs) created by MIT faculty and instructors.
  • Learn at no cost or aim to earn a certificate of completion for a low fee.
Model climate solutions
  • Online simulator provides educators, policymakers, businesses, the media, and the public with the ability to test and explore climate solutions.
  • Explore other simulations from MIT Sloan.
  • Get training on using the simulator in classrooms or in front of local policymakers.